Emily 7-cupcake bouquet


A beautiful arrangement of 7 hand-piped floral cupcakes, in a pale pink and yellow palette, featuring a large central rose and mini roses, presented in a wrapped bouquet.

Choose from all vanilla, all chocolate or a mix of vanilla and chocolate sponge (select choice below).
All orders subject to availability on date selected – NB: no order is confirmed until invoiced and paid in full.
Local orders (Cape Town) are collection only from Hout Bay between 4-5pm on date selected – if required earlier in the day, please order for the day before.
Delivery is offered only for orders placed from other countries / cities, where delivery address is within 15km of Hout Bay for which a flat fee of R150 will be charged.
Optional gift tag available – please write a short message in the Notes section below.

Please note that your order request will only be confirmed by email once we have confirmed availability.

Emily 7-cupcake bouquet